Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Today's second doctor's visit...

"Well of course, because you're a lawyer you would know this is insurance fraud."
"Um, well, actually that's entirely outside my area of expertise. Basically anything that doesn't have to do with getting debt for a company is news to me. And soon taxation. But for now, just debt."

I must say, however, that I am determined to make it through the end of the day, that being a matter of hours away. I don't know how I am going to do it, but it is going to get done. I think with the help of stimulants.

Tomorrow is a day off from doctor's visits, rather exciting really not to be describing your everyday life and have someone's gaze go from benign to extremely concerned within your first two sentences. ("I'm sorry, did you say you slept 20 hours on Sunday?") Yes, I frequently sleep 20 hours on Sunday. Yes, that's weird. Bloody diagnose me with something already and give me enough pills so that I can function like a normal human being. Pretty please.

Have to create a chart now. :)