Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Am I subtly becoming a socialist?

As I sat here, perusing educational opportunities that would eat my entire year's salary with one gulp, I thought out loud, why is education so expensive? And the feeling underlying that was, education is the sort of thing that you shouldn't have to pay for, that society should sponsor, that we should all be grateful for the degree to which we benefit from the education of others.
Admittedly, this is not a one-off for me. It relates quite closely to an international education plan I have that is designed to both improve conditions for Africans while simultaneously improving conditions for Americans. (I always say, best to do a win-win situation). Perhaps the two don't really differ if you can legitimately argue that educating the top candidates in the U.S. benefits the country as a whole, but when you're talking about comparative literature, that's a stretch. And I say that even though I was brainwashed for a long period of time into believing that comparative literature could save the world. (see remnants of said belief in description of Africa project)