Friday, May 30, 2008


My experience with pandora has been challenging but ultimately it appears to finally be paying off, kind of like my experience selling multiple items per day on amazon. I was introduced to pandora some while ago but didn't begin to truly appreciate its benefits until the charger for my ipod broke and I faced the possibility of sometimes 18 hours straight of work without music or video, a concept that is akin to asking me to walk across hot coals. For 18 hours. So I've been on a single channel for a few weeks now, approving of and disapproving of individual songs. For a while it was like the people at pandora were playing opposite day games and all the songs were ridiculously awful. But now that I've actually identified nearly every song they play that is acceptable I finally have a good play list. So I guess it's a tepid review. You have to either have great patience or ADD that multiple doctors refuse to diagnose (sigh...).