Monday, August 04, 2008


I love rain. Absolutely love it. Love to run and jump and play and stand in it and it just makes me happy to watch it. However, there are certain times and places where the presence of rain is inappropriate. One such place is the business district. All these poor people dressed up in their nice work clothes getting wet and messy and jumping puddles and avoiding the umbrella overflow because somehow no matter what you do with the umbrella you still manage to get wet somewhere. And I've really had enough. It's like we live in the middle ages. It is time to build giant weather domes over cities to protect people from inclement weather. How can politicians sit passively by when their citizens are needlessly exposed to the elements? We wouldn't have to deal with rain or snow or wind or anything else that is rather annoying. Isn't it time, America? Or at least those places with populations large enough for me to give a damn about whether or not they get wet on the way to work. I may have to take time off from my general plan to take over the world to get this done because if I have to wait 10 minutes for a cab one more time, someone in City Hall is getting it.