So I've run into a problem here. I need television in the background to work effectively (or some other combination of visual and aural stimulation but the easiest way to do this is via television) and the thing is, that while I don't actually watch it or consciously listen to it, I both watch and listen to it unconsciously. And I only like about 10 programs on television. And stations repeat these programs. And as a result, I become distracted because I know what the words and images are going to be and so instead of focusing on my work, I'm focusing on recreating the show before/as it happens in my head.
Example being the South Park episode that is on Comedy Central right now. This one, unfortunately, I know extremely well because I downloaded it from itunes and thus have seen it at least 30 times because pretty much every South Park episode is insanely funny and actually becomes funnier the more you see it.
That of course is the other problem: the shows I like are all ones appreciation of which increases with repeated viewings. As a result, having something in the background that I've seen 30 times gets me very excited and I laugh hysterically while I am trying to do something very serious. If only I didn't bloody have undiagnosable ADD and didn't have to watch tv to do work. But you know what, I have this impediment for a reason. Somehow, in some way, it is going to allow me to improve the world. Not quite sure how as I listen to Cartman swear over a video game, but I maintain my optimism.