Okay, so I have slammed Moveon repeatedly due to their overly aggressive ads and rather insane emails which are supposed to make me believe that a 10-year old's future depends on whether people vote Obama or McCain. I find that to be a naive belief in the good that government will do versus the reality of what every government does, which is basically the same thing, sometimes with a twist of lemon. Like Johnson signed the Civil Rights bill. That was clearly a twist of lemon, although he was essentially forced to politically after Kennedy's assassination, so it's a twist, but out of political necessity, so really it was politics as usual. Admittedly, there is really crazy stuff that goes on, like Bush subversively funding religious organizations and the abstinence only stuff and even allowing schools to not teach evolution (kids, if someone didn't teach you about evolution I'm willing to bet that your lifetime earnings potential has been significantly reduced and you will likely spend hours confused trying to understand what's going on on tv as evolution is the scientific and social underpinning of our society. whether you believe in it or not is a whole different matter, but to not teach it at all? sounds an awful lot like going to a partisan school that leaves you unprepared for the real world....). So I will admit that Bush has done/allowed a lot of crazy right-wing stuff to go down - f/x we basically have a court ready to overturn roe v. wade, at which point I'm seriously leaving the country because I refuse to return to the dark ages. I mean what's next? Am I going to be relegated to housework and popping out 15 children? Not that any woman who does that would read this, but you should really wake up. This is it. This is your life and every minute that ticks by is one more that you are losing to the patriarchy and its preferences and values. You must have dreams, passions, even passing thoughts, about incredible things you could do for yourself or others - they're never going to happen unless you walk away from all this and go and do them. The world deserves to have you take these actions, become that complete person who has children but also is helping the world to be a better place. Don't forget about that second part.
You may notice that my tangent deviates significantly from the subject line. Point being, I finally got my moveon.org Obama pin in the mail. I figured why not, even though, as I was alluding to before, I find their tactics at best annoying (but of course, I'm not the target group, although I should be as I am an undecided voter, although the indecision has more to do with which family member I plan to write in) BUT (focus) the pin is AWESOME. This is the coolest Obama pin I have seen yet. It is totally old school and hearkens back to Kennedy. Props to moveon for this. They gave out 2.2 million so they're out (checked because once I saw it, I wanted all my friends to have it) and I'm a poll watcher on election day so I can't wear it, but it's awesome. Funny how all the political brats, even at this age, have the buttons from their parents' campaigns lying around their apartments, however small (the apartment). Yes, that was totally unrelated, but not and again, if you can't keep up with the flow of my logic, you need to do some of those brain exercises, maybe more crossword puzzles (although I can't stand those, but my younger sister greatly enjoyed them through college, law school and I believe barbri).
Hmmm, maybe I should move to LA and become an actress? That's way beyond even a pipe dream since my parents smashed my dreams of becoming an actress when they refused to allow me to attend the top arts academy high school in the country to pursue my acting career and instead sent me to the ivy league to map out my genes (that was actually really cool, albeit not productive in terms of becoming an actress). Of course, when I start going too far with these plans I have to stop myself and say, wait, are you really just thinking this is a good idea because you're manic, and I ponder that for a while. There are many signs that that is the cause, usually a disconnect between the proposed action and my staid lifetime goals (which have been on a sheet of paper for years now and have not changed, except for the specification of winning a great prize specified to winning the nobel). And for the haters out there, yes I am serious about the nobel. Haters including my brother. I mean, you win too. You'll get to say your sister won the nobel prize. Think it through. Maybe you had too many oysters.