So as per usual, I have Arrested Development on in the background (am in a recovery state- I really hope that the stuff that bees use to sterilize their hives is a super powerful antioxidant - magically, my supply of "Super Antioxidant," I would argue the Vitamin Shoppe's finest product, is gone from my vitamin supply) but anyways, the point is it's the episode where Michael sleeps with the blind girl as an attempt at his first one night stand and then can't walk away because he feels that it's a non-option given that she's blind. So a few questions. One - special treatment with regards to sexual interaction for those with disabilities? Really? Or should they be treated equally? Or is that somehow equal because you're balancing out for the problems related to the disability? I mean, I think you could go either way, but I just find it odd that the intuitive response is not more balanced. Two, I love this show, but this really pushes credibility to the limit that he didn't catch on to the fact that she was blind until the following morning when she spilled coffee on the floor. Of course, she's not really blind, so it's possible that his intuition told him that she wasn't so he ignored what she was setting up as signs of blindness or equal alternative, that she failed to put forth those signs. Third, and this is just a complaint, but there's a line where she makes a reference to pirates roaming the high seas in response to the fact that he's a maritime lawyer. I think it is impossible that she would have said that were it not for the set-up for the whole maritime joke of Michael playing the lawyer for Captain Hook in his like middle school play. And that one, I won't let them get away with as an intradiagetic reference. No way.