So my new thing that randomly popped into my head (such things I trust quite a bit more than those that come about after significant thought and reflection) is that I need to engage exclusively in goal-oriented behavior. The problem isn't so much with me as I'm relatively goal oriented but with the world, which is overwhelmingly, in all ways shapes and forms, not goal oriented. Except to the extent that the "goal" is dealing with one's self and being self-involved. Which just doesn't count as far as I'm concerned. Being an idiot doesn't qualify one as goal oriented. Although to be fair, often people are in a technical sense being goal oriented but their goals are so inane and useless to society that they fall squarely in the category of idiots, just to be clear. Often people are confused and think that when I refer to idiots I'm only referring to people with IQs of 85 and below while I am actually referring to the mass of humanity. But point being that I need to rid myself of all these people and their nonsense and their distractions and focus on what I want to do and instead of spending all my time dealing with things they should have professionals address I can actually work on my business projects. And sleep.
p.s. the illustration addresses the bell curve for intelligence as measured by IQ, obviously not an accurate measure, but at the extremes, it makes its point. and mine.