Answer: I have picked up a bug again. I don't know what is up with my immune system but it is really being a brat this year. I even got the flu shot a couple weeks ago at some airport kiosk. Particularly at the critical election time. I'm rather excited, suddenly (as I previously didn't care at all b.c. it just means my taxes are going to go up, my services will go down, and we will do something idiotic in the Middle East that cannot be undone - please, Barack, I beg you, leave Iran alone. They are mostly good people and a concerted and slightly more subversive CIA effort can solve all our problems - and will cause WWIII and as a result of all these, I will likely have to leave the country and I kind of don't feel like it given recent personal circumstances) due to my forced involvement in the political process, which most of you know about. Well, like the umpteenth forced involvement, but the biggie. I'm not upset, I actually am having a fabulous time. I didn't even mind stuffing envelopes, which last election I was like, I've been forced to do this since I was eight, I refuse. Find people more enthusiastic about democracy. For those of you who don't know about political campaigns, they basically run on a few over-zealous young young people who are stressed to their limits and have to take significant vacations when the election is over along with an army of housewives and retirees who do the bulk of the dirty (albeit simple) work (and any child labor they can round up :)). The key is to keep the latter group entertained so it is good to chat and encourage chatting amongst the volunteers. If the main people can stand it, some background music or a television with news helps quite a bit. Although it might appear to slow down the process, it engenders a more positive mood, keeping the volunteers there longer and causing them to come back more frequently and bring friends and as a result, there is more work done and greater efficiency, as seemingly ironic as that is. Sadly, a lot of the stressed-out young-ins, as much as they think they're tuned into the subleties of people's preferences, aren't as maniacally good at manipulating/reading people as myself and so these end up being missed opportunities for them and they have to stuff envelopes themselves to finish off that last batch that lovely Mrs. Smith, who has been sitting in her house two blocks away watching Jeopardy most of the afternoon, would have been happy to do if she were offered a pleasant environment.