I think this is likely far too revealing about myself, but I think I'm in love with Wes Anderson. The reason I think it's really love and not just a liking or an infatuation is that my feelings are very complex, run the gamut, and yet at the end of the day, in his world I feel like I am in my world, for the only time ever and I feel like he cares about and understands me. Take, for example, the royal tenenbaums, which I believe to be my favourite movie ever in the history of the world. There's something remarkable about how the personalities of the children and the parents and the servant blend together into this perfect symphony of human reality. All those people are my people, they are all just like me, in different ways. It's like he took me and broke me into my component parts and then exaggerated them into full entities.
For Rushmore, I have the same love. Rushmore, again, is basically, a different version of me. I could have been him had circumstances been different. I was similarly involved in a panoply of activities in school and was constantly trying to start random things and causing disruptions but I never had real academic problems because my parents should have heeded the advice of the studies when I was 6 and they told me to skip 5 grades and then I wouldn't have been such a troublesome student (because I never did ANY work and was bored out of my mind) and I would have added 5 years to my life, but that's another complaint for another time.
The Life Aquatic is the one that causes me slight pain. I feel that it attempted to live off the success of the royal tenenbaums. There were clearly some good parts to it, but so much of it had to do with competition that doesn't really speak to me. I mean, competition in general doesn't speak to me. That's sort of untrue, but it's true at the same time so for now, we'll leave it at that.
However, I loved the colouring and I understood what he was going for and I agreed with the idea behind what happened. So I'm good with it.
Most recently, the Hotel Chevalier was just an ode. I really can't go any further into it.
The Darjeeling Limited I originally was highly disappointed with. Part of it is that every time I see I new Wes Anderson movie I assume it will be my new favourite movie. So expectations were high. Part of it was that I went to India a year ago and had a mixed experience (including 3 major illnesses) and so I wasn't so into seeing India again plus I knew what it was really like to travel in India, which differed a decent amount from Wes Anderson's version. However, a few days ago, I realized that I wanted to watch it again. (I of course bought it, assuming it would be my new favourite movie) And I realized that it, like Anderson's other movies, was brilliant. He just has this unbelievable gift for delving into the issues and problems that plague the truly neurotic and bizarre among us. And then, turning them into people. And making those people do terribly silly things while pretending to be adults. Or I suppose, doing their best to act the way adults do, without any of the skills of adults. Like moving into a hotel in Paris as you run away from an ex or leaving your wife six weeks away from her giving birth or taking a random mixture of medications you manage to get from the Indian drug store.
Anyways, it's nice to have an unrequited love. Not that I mind the requited ones, but it's nice to mix things up :)