Friday, July 04, 2008


So a particular pet peeve of mine is the way women harass each other by saying "Oh! You're so skinny!" Inevitably, the person in question is not particularly skinny but the motivation is often not clear. Sometimes, women say this because they're jealous because the woman in question has lost weight. Other times, in contrast, this is said to draw attention to the woman's weight and the fact that she is NOT particularly skinny, usually done to draw contrast to the speaker, who is thinner. On other occasions, and most commonly, this essentially has nothing whatsoever to do with the woman's weight and a way of one woman insulting another. It usually follows up with subtle or not so subtle accusations of anorexia and feigned concerns for the woman's health. For the boys out there, one woman accusing another of anorexia is one of nastiest attacks that can be made, due to all the negative associations with self-esteem and the illness in general.

Also on the subject of fatness, for some reason I find it really kind of gross when people are super tan, like they clearly go tanning at least once a week, and they wear really tight clothes that cause their bare skin to create rolls of fat. It's especially weird because usually these people aren't particularly fat, they've just made bad clothing choices.

Finally, another annoyance is when things are marked "small" and you notice that the clothing doesn't fit on a normal hanger and has to be wrapped around to stay on. Like, clearly it's not a small. But then you don't know if any of the things are properly sized so then you have to check everything by digging in for the tag and you tire so greatly...