Admittedly, my on work decision to climb the exterior of the Sears Tower, on the condition that I figure out someway that all the news stories about it would include the word "spiderman" was probably a little off. I blame the morning, the walk, and my general distaste for people who walk slowly and don't obey the rules of walking (a short stocking stuffer book that if I get my act together should be ready for this year's festivities). But what was ready incredible was that the reason I really didn't pursue it any further is that I have no idea where you would get the equipment necessary for such a feat. I can barely find things that should be easy to get on the internet, let alone sticky devices that are going to get me to the top of one of the tallest buildings in the world. So I talked myself out of it, and went to work instead. Perhaps for another day, or perhaps another idea that will lead to greatness. But I guess the moral of the story is that I really shouldn't be left alone, even for the half hour walk to work. I may need to find a work-walking buddy.