Yeah, it caught my eye too. The actual story, from Motley Fool, is little more than the most basic investing information - I would be a little surprised if a six year old didn't intuitively understand its concepts.
However, I accept this as my life is full of disappointments. For example, I put on the country music station b.c. I really need to be studying and need to not know any of the music I listen to. It turns out that country music is depressing in the way that realizing your parents and teachers are just normal fallible people is depressing. It sort of shows you what humanity is really about. I also can't help but wonder who the people are who surround me in these buildings who are actually listening to and thereby allowing for the existence of this station. Are they like the people in the songs? Are their lives like this? Are these the things they think about, is this the way they talk? In short, the music is depressing and has also not served its purpose of keeping me focused on my work, adding to the depression.