In the one legitimate news part of the onion, its invented people discuss this fact. This strikes me as not at all notable. I'm pretty sure we had more tvs than people in my house growing up from like age 8 onwards. And we added a person during that time. Part of it was this competition I kept winning from which I got several televisions, but we still had more televisions than people even ignoring those. What is really shocking to me are the number of people who grew up not allowed to watch tv, and why exactly I seem to have met (or am on a path to meet) all of them. The amount of content, the number of things to learn, the opportunities that are available to the fertile mind from television are infinite. I suppose there are some people whose brains are rather dull and so they don't take much from television and it actually retards brain growth, but I can't honestly see how that's possible as what it does is to introduce an infinite number of possible scenarios into the brain and so it should be creating new connections. It seems more likely to me that since evidently people who get really stuck on tv as children have brains that aren't as developed or something, that those kids just weren't going to have super-developed brains in the first place. A nyt article I was reading yesterday discussed how intelligent children's brains go through the initial pruning process later. So it strikes me as more likely that the intelligent children's brains are inherently intelligent and the less intelligent children's brains are less intelligent and perhaps, as a result, they are more attracted to pre-created content and not as personally creative because their brains just don't work that way (and are pruning connections earlier). In which case, television is probably good for them since otherwise their brains wouldn't be processing anything.