Sunday, July 22, 2007
My ability to concentrate...
Is somewhere around that of like a three year old child, or if we want to anthropomorphize, of a small sort of bug. Although club music kind of helps, where as it would likely distract either the small child or the bug. Assuming our bug is sensitive to sound vibrations. He might think it was the equivalent of an earthquake in his world and so he might try to stabilize by flying wildly about, searching for a surface. Or sometimes they freeze. In general, bugs tend to overestimate their ability to blend into the background. Perhaps it has to do with the human encroachment on the ecosystem and where as before the bug would have been sitting on a leaf it is now sitting on a cd case and I can see it quite clearly and would never mistake it for part of a leaf. All theoretical, as there are neither bugs nor cd cases in my current environment. I used all my cd cases as part of decorative gifts and I don't wear my glasses and don't have contacts so technically I don't know that there aren't any bugs but I can't see any and I like to pretend that what you can't see isn't there. It's remarkable how much less stressful life becomes when you can see with clarity relatively little of what is going on in the world.