I have a lot of trouble understanding why my yahoo mail system even delivers mail that is dated as coming from 2038. About half my spam on any given day comes from 2038, and it is generally the most egregious, the kind of stuff that if you didn't know terribly much about internet scams, might think was legitimate. What would be far more entertaining would be if these 2038 spammers actually claimed to be from the future - such that the offer of a "Free t-mobile sidekick" would make sense, as the market value for such an item in 2038 would have to be essentially nonexistant. So someone in 2038 finds a time capsule full of these goods from 2007 and decides to make an honest buck off it through time travel email. The shipping might be an issue, though. Even if they offered tracking, we plebs of 2007 likely couldn't use their tracking system. We would be very easy to scam. Imagine the nightline exposes of the latest internet scam, free commercial goods from the future!
In other news, they mean it when they say don't use alcohol to take your medications. Wow, do they mean it.