So on my daily hour-long walks I've been noticing that there is a certain percentage of the female population that lacks an ass. The person in the picture has a larger ass than the person I saw today. I walk very quickly and usually end up directly behind people who are swervers (most people swerve slightly when they walk but certain people are like drunkards) and then notice oddities, like a flat ass. And wow, is that an unattractive look. I don't think I have any friends with this particular affliction so I'm not familiar with it. But honestly, it kind of freaks me out, the way someone with an extreme physical deformity might make you nervous. I think I may be out and out biased against these people, thinking they have odd personalities and may even be a subset of the aliens that have invaded the planet (another topic for another time, but you can tell the aliens by their unusually bright blue eyes, see, e.g., Justice Roberts). But seriously, what's up with the flat ass thing? It tends to correspond to a rather boxy body, so I don't know if it's just a boy-ish thing or some sort of darwinian evolution thing I don't get (another topic for another time is my inability to fully apply darwinian theories of evolution to the existence of all things in the world, something that has on occasion kept me up at night. oh, the confusion). But in conclusion, I feel quite bad for these people because it kind of looks like a random part of the body has become concave.