I've been rather fascinated with this thing about bee colonies dying off. Reading the nyt article caused me to realize that my knowledge of bees was limited to what they told us on a class trip to the zoo in like 2nd grade. And I certainly never knew it could be a business to rent out bees to pollinate agriculture.
Since I'm skewing back into an increased energy period (positive thoughts on that) finding a detailed publication on bees has really distracted me from other critical work.
Initially this seemed like an excellent pastime for me, being as one is supposed to begin in late spring/early summer (prime time for my random projects)but as the detailed publication properly points out, bee keeping is not an appropriate activity for people who are allergic to bee stings. Fair enough. It also would be difficult to keep a bee colony in my one-bedroom apartment. If I had a yard it appears that by properly providing a source of water and choosing bees bred for calmness, I might be able to raise bees in an urban-ish environment. Regardless, this is clearly ripe for a sitcom plot.
However, as I indicated in an earlier post, I briefly feared that bees were living in my walls, and it is good that this was not the case as it evidently would normally require removing all the siding. I don't actually know what siding is, but I'm betting this would be an involved project. Not to mention all the other political concerns, e.g., "Solutions to the complex bee/bear conflict are highly political, expensive, and have not been totally effective." Indeed.