So, having taken some sleep medication that I am trying to think-positive-thoughts about working, I figure I have some time to kill and end up through a series of clicks, listening to a reform interpretation of this week's torah portion. It's rather interesting. There's some stuff in there about Noah's son having born a son from Noah's wife, which is pretty bizarre to me, although admittedly, I haven't closely read the bible and maybe this is standard fare. I'm not so much sold on how the interpretation veers off from there - it provides a good lesson about protecting those closest to you, but I don't really believe the lesson follows from the passage. It's also sort of an obvious lesson, which led me to wondering about all this analysis and interpretation. Interpretations are actually provided by two rabbis on this occasion, both with the same lesson. But I just wonder, are there people out there who really need that lesson? Who actually need to be told that you shouldn't trip a blind person, either literally or figuratively? That loyalty should drive your personal relationships? It just makes me wonder what's out there in terms of personalities, that anyone would think to behave differently. I suppose the most popular videos on you tube should have given me some pause...