I worry quite a bit when I can't sleep about turning into the fight club character. I worry that in fact, when I believe I am dreaming, I am leading a complex alter existence that may wreck havoc on the world. It wouldn't surprise me terribly much, but the problem is that I think I would still be responsible for the actions of the alter ego. Part of it is that I have a decent amount of trouble distinguishing between my dreams and reality. Also part of it is that the world is a strange and confusing place to me. Also part of it is that in my dreams, since I was a small child, people are constantly telling me that I've done things and am responsible for things I never did. And actually, in real life too. So I'm sort of used to the idea that suddenly you become responsible for things that you never did and then you have to deal with the repercussions. But the problem is that I like to prepare in advance for tragedy because I am very sensitive and surprise tragedies hurt me too much. But when I am going to be held responsible for something I didn't know I did, a la should I become the fight club character, then there is no preparation. So I don't think I would take it well, or be prepared to give it my best fight. Hence the worry. Also, I normally sleep substantial amounts so when I don't sleep, I imagine there is something invidious occurring behind the curtain.
BTW, French elections, first tour is over, with a significantly more reasonable result than last time. Sarkozy will probably win, which is unfortunate because he reminds me of Putin, who I think will be responsible for an enormous disaster this century. Also, Sarkozy is racist and classist and lots of other ugly things that don't help when you are trying to fix a society that is breaking apart based on its cultural divides. The comments section on the iht article is particularly entertaining.