Thursday, April 19, 2007


There are a lot of problems in the world. A lot. And a lot of issues that need to be addressed. But world-wide issues deserve emergency-room-style triage treatment. Just in case anyone wasn't aware, there is still genocide occurring in Darfur. An estimated 400,000 people have died as a result of the conflict. See wikipedia entry.
One problem is that many countries and individuals look to the UN and its institutions to address these global issues. But, and I want to say this with as little vitriol as possible, the UN is an extremely political institution. And by political, I mean focused on a handful of issues, sort of like gay marriage-type issues, that draw a lot of attention and soap box speech but don't really address the important human issues. Many people are too overwhelmed by a lack of empowerment that expresses itself as hatred to focus on positive action.
I believe that true social change happens when people with power use their power to change the world for good. But I also believe that with a great amount of effort and a substantial number of people, those without power can make a difference, particularly on clear moral issues like mass killing.
April 23-30 = Global Days for Darfur. This group brought together a number of organizations that are concerned about what is happening in Darfur and it is trying to create the critical mass that will make a difference.