So, was on vacay. I travel a lot, as a dear friend of mine just put it, my job is interfering with my travel lifestyle. But why do people travel? Over the years I've met a handful of people who don't enjoy/have little to no interest in travel. Is it fear over the unknown? Lack of certain thinking capabilities and hence a certain lack of imagination? Or the most insidious, a lack of interest? It makes me fearful for the state of the universe to imagine that someone could simply be uninterested in the ways of the rest of the world. I suppose a lot of people like their lives, like the way they work, and aren't terribly interested in how other people might do things. And in fact, this group can be lumped together with a group of "check the box" tourists who travel regularly, but who do so to say they have been places and done things. But there's a group of us who are reinvigorated every time we see a new structure of streets, a new tendency towards work clothes, a new way to stand on a bus, new rules about queuing, a different attitude towards rain (resulting, inevitably, from the different types of rain people experience - something I've learned over the years) and all those little things that give the most nominal insight into oneself, one's decisions, and one's culture, through the comparision to another.
It's the part of travel people tend not to talk about, an experience they sometimes don't even realize they've had. Personally, I think my need for travel stems from a practical response to an overdeveloped fight-or-flight (read chemical imbalance) response. If I don't travel, I feel more and more boxed-in and tend to rebel excessively to try to make the feeling of sameness go away. I just need the influx of the new - I've been stopping myself from disappearing into the world for most of my life, primarily by reading, which does a very similar thing to travel.