See the Presidential box on the right for the actual countdown:
There were very strong numbers for Sarkozy across the board, and even in areas I didn't expect it - it doesn't look good for Royal. Although it's unclear how Bayrou folk will split, I'd go with Sarkozy over Royal. The numbers also make me think that France is becoming more like the US, which is sad. Tears, tears. Listening to one of the videos, that people are commenting that protests will not change the country and that kids should get jobs, wow, it's like talking with my conservative friends and/or my conservative persona (I prefer ideas to opinions - I know this is confusing to some people so I state it. Opinions just aren't that interesting and when you discuss opinions, people often get confused and instead of actually talking about the ideas, end up defending their pride and ego, regardless of the relevance to the discussion, because they misinterpret a disagreement of opinion as a personal attack. Then everyone gets very dramatic and I just think that sort of drama is totally unnecessary and causes me and everyone else stress. I really dislike how people do that. Turn ideas into debates about who they are personally. So painfully self-centered, to use a loaded term that people like to throw around when they can't think of a more accurate insult, although it is accurate in this context :) )
Also, Sarkozy is such a totalitarian freak. I mentioned earlier that I think the resemblance between Sarkozy and Putin should be more than a warning to the people of France.