I draw this conclusion from two articles I came across during recent research.
Example 1: "Laziness Could be the Basis of Bipedalism, Human Civilization"
Summary argument: "Why do humans walk on two legs? Because it's easier than walking on four"
Great. That would be a great argument, if it weren't the case that it would be easier for EVERYTHING then. So why in the world would humans choose to do this (and the chimp/human I highlighted in a post a few days ago) and pretty much everyone else would go on walking around on all fours? Honestly, I am offended that this is even on the internet. It may as well be some Nigerian scammer's website.
Example 2: "Scientists Find Genetic Root of Opposable Thumb, Upright Gait"
Summary: a gene was found that when spliced into rats etc. activated thumbs and big toes.
They show a "picture" (very fuzzy, hard to tell what's going on but from what I can gather, the rat in question has five appendages sticking out of its hand, none of which look like a thumb) and then conclude of the gene in question, "So perhaps HACNS1 is what allowed human beings to develop tools and civilization -- and car insurance and bombs."
Um, right. Something that kind of maybe causes a rat to develop a "thumb"-type thing that is further away than normal likely led to car insurance and bombs. That makes a lot of sense. In stupid world.