So on Friday my family/brother's cat died. It was the second identical cat with the same name to die (although we're talking 16 years apart and the second one sometimes had "II" appended to his name). Now I don't particularly like cats: I have allergies, they spread scary diseases to an extent that isn't even fully known yet (sorry that that's a weird cached link - I am still sleepy although in throes of insomnia again - see Fight Club for a wonderful description of what insomnia is like - although I don't have the same stamina and end up sleeping at random times and suddenly being wide-awake instead of just going days without sleep)
, and this particular cat bit me not that long ago. Given my paranoia about getting diseases from animals and the fact that I was trying to help him feel better about my brother's absence (my brother and the cat are very close) this was a notable occasion.
So I otherwise wouldn't be writing about it. But as my mother was telling me this she started going through the cat's last 24 hours. It was heart-wrenching. The cat had played tea with my three-year old niece a couple times, they had read some books together, run around playing and then, the cat was found dead splayed across my niece's toys.
I'm assuming that my niece's limited vocabulary will limit her from reading this post as they haven't told her yet. I'm worried how she'll take it. When her imaginary friend went to talk to god for a while she got very teary-eyed as she briefly told us about it and then refused to talk any further for the rest of the evening. We thought that meant he was dead but he actually came back with a new car so who knows.
The other thing about it is that a lot of weird things have been happening to me lately, like my phone suddenly erasing all its information, things randomly exploding etc. So when the cat died (and I noticed a hole in the pocket of my jacket, I know small but all these other small things have been adding up like vivid/lucid dreams that I am acting out) I started worrying again - these pockets of weirdness bother me. A close and trusted friend has suggested demons are haunting me. This would not surprise me. The obvious question would be why. But I will explore that later.
(back to try to sleep again)