I've been teetering on a major bout of insomnia for a few days now and tonight is going to be the night. I couldn't even stop myself, I took a vivarin (previous experience with this medication has led to three consecutive days without sleep, although I took three pills at once, but still...) Sometimes insomnia, and dancing endlessly for hours, has an appeal that is so beyond the ability of reason to counter it that reason and desire may as well have no common points of communication. This is one such night. For now it is techno and diet coke. We'll see as the night progresses.
As a side-bar (there will be many to come) I have only recently begun to judge my television watching habits on the commercials that populate the downtime. For example, only recently did it strike me as odd that my tv shows were frequently interrupted by ads for the armed services, or on other occasions, nearly constant appeals from the aarp. I am watching the tv that young and old men are watching.
Also, I am blaming my current state on my having gotten a flu shot today for the first time in my life. I am hoping that multiple flu shots will protect me against the avian flu. It may or may not work. No one really knows. But for 10 USD, pourquoi pas?