I honestly can think of absolutely no one who uses a computer who I could share this with, but I am sure there are plenty of people out there who can use this information and I think it's rather fascinating so here goes.
Summary: There is an online store called Replacements, Ltd. Basically, they have tons of china and silver and that sort of thing and while they do carry patterns that are still in stores, the hook is that they carry discontinued lines as well. So if you broke too many tea cups from the set you got X number of years ago, you have a chance to replace them.
My relationship with them started via some spam a year or more ago. Evidently, some pattern of china, of which I had bought some for a friend's wedding at some point (I can only assume), had been discontinued. However, there was still some available at Replacements, Ltd. I think I ignored the first few emails and then clicked through, out of curiosity, as it was obvious it wasn't spam.
The pattern of the first set of plates was really lovely and I think about them to this day (no really - charming bright floating butterflies - sort of a calming daydream). Since then, they've been sending me hideous sets that I can't imagine anyone I know ever wanted but taste cannot be bought, borrowed or stolen. In any case, I appreciate the business plan and in particular the creativity.
The store was founded in 1981 by a guy and evidently has an "inventory of 13 million pieces in more than 300,000 patterns, some over 100 years old." Which is, of course, insane. They even have a 12,000 square foot showroom. They even go and search for your patterns for you when you can't find them.
Anyways, just a shout out to a rather innovative business plan for the material era, particularly as we drift back into being more economical. No reason to throw out a whole set of plates because a few are broken or missing when you can actually replace them...